Muslim Review (Lucknow)
(1927-[?], Lucknow)
The Muslim Review was published by the Madrasat-Ul-Waizeen in Lucknow. Editors included S. Alay Ahmad, S. Abid Husain Naqavi, S. Abid Husain Kujhwai, S. Mohd. Mohsin and S. Ameer Ali Masoomi. The journal was first published in 1927.
The Ideas of India database covers Vol. 10, No. 6 to Vol. 37 (1932-1950) of the Muslim Review with the following omissions:
- Vol. 15, 1934 (Nos. 2, 4)
- Vol. 25, 1939 (No. 3)
- Vol. 30, 1942-1943 (No. 2)
- Vol. 31, 1943-1944 (No. 3 and beyond)
- Vol. 32
- Vol. 33, 1946-1947 (Nos. 2, 4 and beyond)
- Vols. 34-35, 1947-1948
The subtitles varied, including An English Monthly Magazine of Madrasatul Waizeen; A High-Class English Monthly of the Madrasatul Waizeen. The Only Magazine of Its Kind, Disseminating the True Teachings of Islam; The Only Advocate of Old Islam; A Muslim Quarterly and A Bold Advocate of Muslim Cause.
Full text not available online.