Students’ Chronicle and Serampore College Magazine
(1913-1920 & 194?-[?], Serampore)
Continuing the Students’ Chronicle, the Students’ Chronicle and Serampore College Magazine was a journal “intended for the students of India and Ceylon”. It was published every month (except June and October). It was edited by Rev. George Howells. The magazine was continued by the → Serampore College Magazine (from 1922); in the 1940s, the journal’s name reverted back to Students’ Chronicle and Serampore College Magazine.
The Ideas of India database covers the following volumes of the Students’ Chronicle and Serampore College Magazine:
- No. 51 (September 1914)
- Nos. 67-69 (April, May, July 1916)
- Vol. 8, 1947 (No. 5)